King's Quest: Mask Of Eternity Sierra Access the game console by holding Shift, Ctrl and 7 at the same time. Don't worry about the password prompt, just hit Enter. You can now enter the following pearls of wisdom in lower case. When you're done, press Shift, Ctrl and 7 again to return to the game. noconcollide Clipping mode (walk through walls etc) concollide Toggle clipping mode off god Have a wild guess! ungod Return to normal teleport Teleport to any point on the map bump Edge forward through walls give[item] Eg 'Give Dagger' – type in an item from the list below to add it to your inventory. NB: these are case sensitive Dagger SmallAx BroadSword Mace LakeSword SkelKingSword BattleAx WarHammer Pike LongSword FlameSword TempleSword SmCrossbow AzrielHammer SmCpndCBow ShortBow LongBow CrossBow CpndCrossbow FlameBow IceCrossbow WeeperEyes DemonRocks SkelBow SlmSlime WitchBolt Lava Fists Icicle Armour LeatherGloves LeatherArmor LeatherBoots ChainMailShirt ChainMailGloves ChainMailSuit PlateMail BronzePlate FullArmor Helmet TempleArmor GodArmor (health and magic items) Mushroom SacredWater Crystal ElixirOfLife Clarity Invisible Invulnerable Strength RingOfDeadHero Ashes Candle SilverCoins MagicMap RopeAndHook RingOfLight KeyToDeathMaze Mold BrokenShield RustedBrokenShield HearingHorn AntiPoisonFlower GreenMushroomPiece Rock IronLock OakRoot LodeStone CrystalPyramid BlackDiamond AmberGlow BasiliskTongue FireGem PipeCap1 PipeCap2 DragonKey RockKey BlueAdamant JailKey DecipheringAmulet Paddle Feather GoodSkull BadSkull RoundKey SquareKey Ladle hmhand Mask1 Mask2 Mask3 Mask4 Mask5 Piece1 Piece2 Piece3 Piece4 Scroll LadyBell RustedLock KeepKey StoneOrder MetalShaft TruthKey LightKey OrderKey MarbleTablet0 MaskMedalian Grail Mask3B Piece5 UniHorn SpellPage Mask1A Piece1A DarkPyramid ShardFuse MarbleTablet1 MarbleTablet2 MarbleTablet3 GriffRoomKey GriffCageKey ClockShaft HookDown HookUp SpinningMask Orcbow Spear IceShard IceLever – Lucreto's sceptre LucretoFire – Connor starts with no weapon or armour NoRanged NoArmor BirthdaySuit Logo1 Logo2